Tag Archives: advertising

Miller Lite Vortex Bottles – “A brand new way to taste greatness”

I was able to catch the England vs USA World Cup match yesterday down in Fort Erie on ABC on rabbit ears which provided some American commercials not typically seen here in Canada. A ‘new’ ‘innovation’ in beer bottles is the Vortex bottle available for Miller Lite. This isn’t the ad I saw but you’ll understand what it’s all about.

I have done a bit of searching and nowhere can I find a satisfactory explanation of how or why the vortex bottleneck improves anything. To be fair they don’t claim that it does anything other than providing “a brand new way to taste greatness.” Between the editing cuts of beer swirling in the ‘vortex’  a vortex bottle is shown being poured which does not look very vortex-y to me. They are simply repackaging their same product in a gimmicky bottle to create buzz and get their brand back into conversation.

What did I learn?: Their plan worked.