Tag Archives: ice cream

I Love Your Day, Lord Simcoe

I am heading up to Sault Ste Marie this weekend for a cottaging long long-weekend to visit my lady’s extended family. In summer’s past up in the Soo I would acquiesce to a weekend of drinking Coors Light as it is something that can be consumed en masse for long periods of time.  (Yes, yes, for shame.) Drinking craft beer for extend periods on long summer days doesn’t do well for the stomach. Coors is easy to drink because there’s really nothing to it. Anything with a moderate amount of hops or malt is bound to cause the stomach to slow you down after a while. This time I think I will stick to gin and tonic. Since I’ll be away for a few days hopefully some of the below links will keep you occupied.

– Beer Ice Cream @ Hop Press – This makes me want to go out and buy an ice cream maker. I can only imagine how good a Grand River Russian Gun Imperial Stout vanilla ice cream would be.

– XYYZ has an article about Toronto’s best summer beers. Nothing too fancy there so far as beer geeks go but it’s good to know that other demographics are being reached when it comes to Ontario craft beer. My knowledge of west coast Canadian beer is limited, but here is xyyz’s Vancouver write up.

– For those who love their policy here is Ontario’s Liquor Licence Act.  There are a few good laughs in there.
– Sex advice from home brewers

– National Geographic does a short piece on beer brewing, featuring Steamwhistle. Fairly standard brewing details.

    Ever since OCB Week I have stocked my fridge with quite a high proportion of Ontario beers. Our fridge just received a large number of Stone and Rogue bombers, and combined with a few cases of other American micro’s picked up in Buffalo in June I think August will have some articles focusing on that. Cheers!